Risky behaviors refer to the habit of engaging in activities which might be harmful or dangerous to you in the end. Risk-taking behavior is dangerous, and some people might wonder why anyone would want to engage in such activities.
Such actions put the person committing in harm’s way, and on the other hand, it gives the people participating a positive feeling in the end. For example, risky behavior such as driving fast or taking drugs can lead to accidents or overdose. Such activities can bring about a positive feeling at the moment. The positive feelings include the thrill of fast driving and feeling high from using drugs. Below are the reasons why many people engage in risky behaviors.
1) It Raises Adrenaline
One reason is because it raises adrenaline. The reason people like risky behaviors is because it boosts their adrenaline levels. There is some excitement which comes with partaking in activities which you know can be harmful or dangerous to you.
For example, when you over speed there is a high chance you might get into an accident or even get arrested for over speeding. However, you will find that not even the thought of being arrested and prevent you from engaging in the activities since you want to experience the adrenaline rush in your body.
2) Unhealthy Optimism
Some people think that negative things like accidents can only happen to other people and not to them. They do not think about the possible outcomes, and hence the positive, negative consequences cannot stop them from undertaking in the risky behaviors.
3) Risk-Taking Genes
Some people appear to be risk takers naturally. As children, they were the ones who used to slid down the steepest hill. They were the ones who used to call the shots and say what they could do and where they could go.
They loved the thrill and were adrenaline junkies. Such kind of people will continue with their risky behavior even when they become adults.
4) Patterns of Risk
Studies have shown that most youths who have been home-schooled and have good computer skills even if they do not relate well in a physical environment. However, not all adolescents can make a good transition.
The antisocial behavior can continue into their adult life especially if there is a history of theft, violence, and burglary. Risky behaviors such as alcoholism and drug abuse can become a life habit.
5) The Media
The media is another reason why people engage in risky activities. Televisions and movies make a person engage in risky behaviours to look admirable while at the same time avoiding negative consequences.
Such movies encourage a person to continue involving themselves in such acts even though in reality it might be dangerous.
You do not have to sit down and watch as your loved ones engage in risky behaviors. You can take the necessary steps to ensure that your loved turns the risky behavior into something positive and minimize the chances of possible consequences.

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