“Litigation was war. A war that usually inflicted heavy casualties on both sides.” – Kenneth Eade
Are you the owner of a Small Medium Enterprise (SME)? Or, are you perhaps the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or director of a large multinational conglomerate? The size of the business you own or manage is not this article’s salient point. What is important to note is that you are involved in the corporate sector at one of the many management levels.
There comes a time in a company’s life that there is a need to hire a Clearwater business litigation attorney. Thus, it is vital for business leaders to be mindful of the ins and outs of the requirement to employ a business litigator and how to go about choosing the right attorney to suit your company’s needs.
What is business litigation?
Before we look at the imperatives of successful or professional commercial litigation, let’s look at a concise definition thereof:
The website govdocfiling.com describes commercial or business litigation as a “broad term that describes virtually every type of dispute that may arise in a business context.”
Additionally, the term “business litigation” includes partnership disputes, class action lawsuits, contract or agreement reviews, as well as shareholder disputes.
The imperatives of a professional litigator
Unfortunately, corporate disputes can sometimes end up in a tense standoff between all the parties involved.
As the quotation highlighted above by Kenneth Eade notes, the process of going to court to sort out a dispute between two or more parties can be a battle. And, there is never an easy win for any of the parties. The presiding judge will ultimately decide the outcome; however, the cost for all the individuals involved is always high. Thus, it makes sense to hire a professional attorney to advise and mediate between all parties concerned.
Therefore, the question that begs is: What are the essential characteristics to look for when hiring a commercial litigation attorney?
By way of answering this question, let’s consider the following three points:
Knowledgeable, skilled, and experienced
The first imperative is that a successful business litigator must have a comprehensive knowledge of all aspects of the US commercial law, including case history. The attorney’s advice will sometimes make the difference between settling the matter out of court or going to court for the judge to hear all the evidence presented and make a ruling on the matter.
Effective orator
The chosen attorney needs to be a competent and skilled orator. Unfortunately, these cases are often settled by the lawyer who persuasively argues the client’s position. A well-spoken attorney will come across as knowledgeable and professional. In contrast, an attorney who verbally stumbles through the case will create an unfavorable impression.
Professionally dressed and well-groomed
Because attorneys represent clients in meetings, court appearances, and in the judge’s chambers, it is vital that the attorneys are professionally dressed on all occasions. Worst case scenario, an attorney who has visible tattoos and is casually dressed and poorly groomed will create a negative impression on behalf of the client.

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