There’s an estimated cost of 100-300 billion dollars of avoidable healthcare costs that are attributed to medication nonadherence. Medication nonadherence is a health care problem which causes worsening health outcomes and increases in services healthcare costs which have resulted in increased morbidity and mortality rates.
This healthcare issue may be caused by related to the patient, healthcare provider, or with the treatment. As such, it is undeniable that a significant factor of medication nonadherence is due to a lack of information about medication and its proper dosages. Which is why it is essential to make sure you have the answers to these questions whenever you are prescribed with a new prescription.
What is the Name of My Medication and What to Expect?
Of course, the first thing that you should know and remember is the name of all of your medications, whether it may be prescription or over-the-counter since it is still a part of your treatment. Now, if you have received medications from more than one doctor, then it is recommended that you should inform each doctor about all the medication and prescription that you currently have.
The next thing that you should ask is the medicine’s purpose and what does it do to your body. Your doctor should inform you about how it helps your condition and why you need the said medication.
Instructions on the Medication
How and when should you take your medication? These two are essential questions so that you get the help that you need out of the medicines you were told to. True, the container of your medication will show you the how and when of your medicine. However, it would be wise to ask your doctor the right dosages and the right time for its intake so that you’ll be able to take your medication correctly.
How Long Should I Take It?
You cannot take medicine for a long time, not unless your doctor tells you to. However, you also can’t just stop your intake just because you’ve run out of it, since you may develop a severe complication by not taking your medicine as prescribed. Thus, make sure that you clearly understand how long should you need to take the medication and if you need refills.
What Should I Expect?
Ask about how will your medicine bring some changes within your body so that you will know what to expect from it and if in what way you will know that the medication is working. Additionally, you should also ask for its side effects and what you should be wary of, like taking it with other medicines or is there any foods that should be avoided to avoid harmful effects on your body.
Lastly, ask your doctor if you would be more likely to have an allergic reaction to your medication. For example, those people who have health conditions related to allergies like hay fever and asthma, these people may be more likely to have some allergic reaction to some medications. Also, there would be those medications that could cause allergic reactions such as antibiotics and over-the-counter pain medications.
Are There Any Alternatives to My Medication?
Your doctor might have prescribed this one medication over the other since there are many reasons as to why it needs to be the drug you should be prescribed with because there are medications that may interact differently with other medications or would cause certain side effects.
However, many people opt for generic drugs since they are less expensive than their counterparts which are brand named. As such, you could ask your doctor if there are any generic version of your medication and answer any questions in regards to its safety as a part of your treatment.
Your health is a top priority, and when it comes to your medications, you should be fully aware and have a clear understanding as to what is its purpose in your treatment against the battle with your illness. Moreover, this is also to avoid medication no adherence, not only that it would help you out to prevent any severe health complications but it would also help in your healthcare costs —avoiding financial wastage.
Lastly, if you are seeking on more information about your current medication, look for websites like PharmaQuotes to help you have a clear view and understanding on how your medicine works and how it works out for you. With this, you will be fully equipped with knowledge making you take good care of your body better.

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